
Time: 12 minute read

Created: October 18, 2024

Author: Stefan Bokarev

Understanding Prompt management: Code vs. UI in Helicone

In the world of AI and language models, prompts are the backbone that guides the output of your applications. Helicone offers a versatile way to manage these prompts, whether you’re a developer who prefers coding or someone who thrives with a UI. In this blog post, we’ll explore the differences between prompt versions created from code and those created from the UI, and how you can leverage each to enhance your workflow.

Prompt Versions Created from the UI

Collaboration at Its Best

Creating prompts via the UI is perfect for teams that include non-technical members. It allows for seamless collaboration, enabling everyone to contribute to prompt development without diving into code.

Key Features:

  • Editable and Deletable Versions: Prompt versions created from the UI can be edited or deleted, giving you control over your prompt history.
  • Manual Promotion to Production: You can manually promote any prompt version to production. Once promoted, your codebase can automatically fetch the latest version.
  • Quick Iteration and Testing: Easily test different prompts directly in the UI, allowing for rapid iteration without code changes.


  • Ease of Use: No coding skills required to manage prompts.
  • Team Collaboration: Work alongside non-developers to refine prompts.
  • Control Over Production Versions: Decide which prompt versions go live.

Use Prompts Created from UI in Your Codebase

You can easily fetch prompts in your code by calling the Helicone API. All you need to do is pass your input variables to compile the prompt template with the values you require.

export async function getPrompt(id, variables) {
  const res = await fetch(`${id}/template`, {
    headers: {
      Authorization: `Bearer ${YOUR_HELICONE_API_KEY}`,
      "Content-Type": "application/json",
    method: "POST",
    body: JSON.stringify({
      inputs: variables,
  const heliconePrompt = await res.json();
  if (heliconePrompt.error) {
    throw new Error(heliconePrompt.error);

Fetch a Prompt by Name and Use it with OpenAI’s Completion API

When you update your prompt in the UI or promote it to Production, you will automatically fetch the latest version.

async function pullPromptAndRunCompletion() {
  const prompt = await getPrompt("my-prompt-id", {
    color: "red",

  const openai = new OpenAI({
    apiKey: "YOUR_OPENAI_API_KEY",
  const response = await;

Prompt Versions Created from Code

Flexibility and Precision

For developers who prefer to keep everything within the codebase, Helicone tracks prompt versions as you code. This method offers more flexibility and integrates seamlessly with your development workflow.

Key Features

  • Automatic Version Tracking: Helicone automatically tracks new versions of your prompts as you modify them in your code.
  • Latest Major Version in Production: The production version is always the latest major prompt version. Any changes in your codebase update the production version.
  • No Manual Promotion or Deletion: You cannot manually promote or delete code prompt versions, ensuring consistency and reducing manual overhead.


  • Greater Flexibility: Define and manage prompts with code, allowing for complex logic and integrations.
  • Enhanced Features: Add auto-inputs and other advanced features directly in your code.
  • Version Control: Maintain a history of prompt versions without manual management.

How Prompt Templates Work in Helicone

As you modify your prompts in code, Helicone automatically tracks new versions and keeps a record of old ones. It also maintains a dataset of input/output keys for each version, providing a comprehensive history of your prompts.

Example: Generating a Short Story App

Let’s dive into an example where we build an app that generates a short story based on a user-inputted character.

Step 1: Import hpf

Use the hpf function from the @helicone/prompts package.

import { hpf } from "@helicone/prompts";

Step 2: Identify Input Variables with hpf

Use the hpf function alongside JavaScript’s template literals. Wrap your variable in double curly braces to help Helicone identify it.

content: hpf`Write a story about ${{ character }}`,

Step 3: Assign an ID to Your Prompt

Add a Helicone-Prompt-Id header to your LLM request. This associates your prompt with future versions.

headers: {
  "Helicone-Prompt-Id": "prompt_story",

Full Code Example

// 1. Import hpf and hpstatic
import { hpf, hpstatic } from "@helicone/prompts";

const chatCompletion = await
    messages: [
        role: "system",
        content: hpstatic`You are a creative storyteller.`,
        role: "user",
        content: hpf`Write a story about ${{ character }}`,
    model: "gpt-3.5-turbo",
    // 3. Add Prompt ID Header
    headers: {
      "Helicone-Prompt-Id": "prompt_story",

Using Prompts Created on the UI in Your Code

If you’ve crafted a prompt in the UI, integrating it into your codebase is straightforward. Here’s how you can fetch and use it:

// Fetch the prompt from Helicone
const prompt = await getPrompt("your-prompt-id", {
  variable1: "value1",
  variable2: "value2",

// Use the prompt with OpenAI API
const response = await{
  model: "gpt-3.5-turbo",
  messages: [{ role: "user", content: prompt }],


Both methods of creating prompt versions in Helicone have their unique advantages:

  • UI Prompts: Ideal for collaborative environments and quick iterations, especially when working with non-technical team members.
  • Code Prompts: Offers greater flexibility and is suited for developers who want to manage prompts within their codebase.

By understanding these differences, you can choose the approach that best fits your project’s needs and streamline your prompt management process.

Questions or Feedback?

If you have any questions or feedback about prompt management in Helicone, feel free to reach out or leave a comment below. We’re always here to help you optimize your workflow!